Five Tips for Clean Teeth During the Holidays

“All I want for Christmas are my two front teeth . . . .”  Wouldn’t it be great if our children’s first thoughts for holiday gifts had to do with their teeth? Chances are good that it isn’t toothpaste and floss that are dancing in your children’s heads this December. All of us, adults and kids alike, are constantly being tempted with holiday treats and sugary snacks during the holidays. That’s OK, ‘Tis the Season,” after all. The good news is that there are ways to keep your family’s oral health top notch, even during the this time of year!

None of us want cavities, but when we eat a lot of sugar and don’t take care of our teeth, the natural bacteria in our mouths create an acid that can wear down our teeth and cause decay. Your best bet in defense against those sugar bugs? Keeping your mouth clean and your teeth brushed. Sounds simple enough, but this extra social time of year and the treats that are offered can cause a hiccup in your usual hygiene routine.

Here’s some advice for both you and your kiddos.

    • Brush Regularly: If at all possible, have your children brush their teeth after consuming a sugary snack. Packing a special dental pack in your bag or car for just such an occasion can help keep brushing top of mind for both you and the kids.


    • Water: If a toothbrush isn’t available, take the time to rinse your mouth out with water. That water will help your natural saliva get the job done of rinsing the teeth until you can brush and floss.


    • Chew Gum: Sugarless gum is another great option for aiding in keeping the mouth clean until you can get home.


    • Avoid Chewy Snacks: We know there are a variety of snacks and treats offered this time of year and we also know that some choices are better than others. Try to limit the hard and chewy candy which are the worst for teeth and instead choose a slice of cake or cookie. Bread options will not stick to your teeth and are a lot easier to brush away.


  • Schedule Check-up: Last but not least, if it’s past time for your family’s checkup at our office, utilize the time your kids have off of school to pay a visit to your local dentist.

As always, we wish you the happiest of holidays. We are grateful for you!